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German news magazine Der Spiegel -- one of Europe's largest publications of its kind -- featured the incredible research of professor Jose Luis "Pepe" Contreras-Vidal, who has developed a thought-controlled robotic exoskeleton… ECE Professor's Thought-Controlled Robot-Exoskeleton Featured in "Der Spiegel"
If you don’t like the weather, give it a few minutes and it’ll change. That bit of homespun wisdom is actually a big problem for the renewable energy industry. The amount of electricity produced by wind and solar power rises and… Professor Helping Develop Alternative Energy Storage Device
Efforts to learn how and when particular areas of the brain work and work together should get a huge boost thanks to a new device under development at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. Ben Jansen a… “Dynamic Coil” Should Boost Brain Research
Ask any professor: A good idea alone isn’t likely to receive serious research funding. Big awards almost always have some data that supports the project, that shows the researcher’s idea should work. In a classic catch-22, though… UH Seed Funding Supports New Research in Catalysis, Nanofabrication
A feature article in the May 6 issue of The New Yorker outlines how a research collaboration based at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering found previously undiscovered ruins in the rainforests of Honduras. The… UH Research Featured in The New Yorker
A professor with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has won a grant from the Melanoma Research Alliance to help develop one of the most promising therapies for patients with the disease. Navin Varadarajan, an… Professor Wins MRA Young Investigator Award to Study Cutting-Edge Cancer Treatment
Thanks to a recent grant from NASA, a University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering professor’s theories on crystal formation will be tested onboard the International Space Station. Professor of chemical and biomolecular… Professor’s Crystal Formation Theories to be Tested in Space
Zeolites play an important role in the chemical and petroleum industries. These crystalline materials are used as catalysts that set in motion and/or improve chemical processes that create thousands of commercial and consumer… Paper Proposes New Methodology to Synthesize Catalysts
Everything from environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics could benefit from recent research conducted by a professor with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. The research involves an advance to a… Molecular Sensing Gets Boost from ECE Researcher
A professor with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has won his second major cancer research grant in four months, giving him a total of nearly $3.4 million to help develop cutting-edge treatments for the… Faculty Member wins Second Major Cancer Research Grant Since September
Soldiers wounded in battle may one day owe their lives to research being conducted at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. Karolos Grigoriadis and Matt Franchek, both professors in the college’s mechanical… Researchers Developing Automated Battlefield Drug Delivery System
A University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering assistant professor has won a $1 million grant to develop a water monitoring system that guards against disease- and corrosion-causing bacteria in water systems in real time.… Faculty Member Wins $1M Grant to Develop Water Monitoring System
A wind energy research team led by the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has made such rapid progress in its work that it has received an accelerated grant extension along with a $900,000 increase in total… Wind Energy Project Wins Early Extension, Bump in Funding from ARPA-E
The University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has received approval from the State of Texas to offer the nation’s first and only Master’s degree program in subsea engineering. The program focuses on the design and… College Offering Nation’s First and Only Subsea M.S.
A professor with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering has won a grant worth approximately $2.1 million to study the best ways to modify human immune cells to fight against cancer. Navin Varadarajan, assistant… Professor Wins $2.1M R01 Award for Cancer Research
Space stations and offshore oil rigs don’t have a lot in common, other than Wei-Chuan Shih. Shih, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering with the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering, has won… ECE’s Shih Wins Grants from NASA, GoMRI
While there are plenty of advantages to living in a big city, one big drawback is air quality. Nearly every large metropolitan area in the country struggles to keep its air pollution levels in line with standards recommended by… Researcher Working to Quantify Real-World Impact of Automobiles
Researchers at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering have received a grant to develop a method for mass-producing devices less than 10 nanometers in size, addressing one of the most significant barriers to their… UH Researchers Developing Nanoscale Manufacturing Technique
The University of Houston and three other institutions have received a $4.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a superconducting magnet energy storage system device that could revolutionize the nation's… UH, Partners Awarded $4.2 Million DOE Grant for Magnet Energy Storage Research
Using a $1 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Texas Diesel Testing and Research Center at the University of Houston will retrofit school buses with a system that attempts to diminish the negative… Diesel Center Researchers Earn EPA Grant to Retrofit School Buses